Approved Training Provider (ATP)

This page provides an overview for Training Providers on how to become an MBOT Approved Training Provider (ATP). It covers the requirements, application process, and criteria for delivering Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training, along with the benefits of obtaining ATP status and required documentation.


It refers to the company, organization, cooperatives or any other institutions that provide education and training for the purpose of lifelong learning.

They are allowed to conduct programmes that could lead to Professional Technologists (Ts.) and Certified Technicians (Tc.) acquiring Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours to fulfill renewal requirements.


1. Company Registration

Company Registration

The entity must be registered or incorporated in Malaysia with either one of the following statuses:

  • Company registered or incorporated under Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM).
  • Association / NGO.
  • Industry-based Training Centre.
  • Cooperatives registered under Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia.
  • Government / Semi-Government Institution.

Company Registration

2. Company Registration

The entity must be registered or incorporated in Malaysia with either one of the following statuses:

  • At least one (1) Professional Technologist (Ts.) or a Certified Technician (Tc.) with full-time status in the organization. Or
  • At least two (2) Professional Technologists (Ts.) or Certified Technicians (Tc.) appointed as associate partners.

Annual Fee

3. Annual Fee

  • Pay RM150 for one-year validity.



  • Must complete the registration as MBOT ATP.
  • Should apply at least one month before the proposed date of said CPD.

Document Checklist

  • A copy of the programme kit including detail of programme outline (modules/ tentative/ agenda or etc.).
  • A sample of poster, brochures, or flyers (promotional purpose).
  • A sample of certificate (certification after completion of the programme or after the test).
  • Speaker or trainer profiles for each related course.
  • Documentary evidence from certification body (for professional certification course only).
  • Any other relevant documentation deemed supportive of the application.

Processing and Approval

  • The application will be screened and discussed in the MBOT Quality, Education and Training Committee for approval.
  • The Secretariat will notify the ATP the soonest upon approval of the decision by the Committee.

Renewal of CPD Programme

  • The validity period for each programme is one (1) year from registered date of MBOT ATPs subject to the conditions set by the Board from time to time.
  • MBOT ATPs needs to renew and submit new application form after the expiration of the approval period or if needed.

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